Remedia Publications was founded by two experienced special education teachers who recognized a great need for special materials that would help their struggling learners develop and improve basic skills. They believed that teachers know best when it comes to creating learning material, so they assembled a team of other experienced teachers and began developing unique learning products suitable for students in both special ed. classes and regular ed. classes.
Remedia Publications was founded by two experienced special education teachers who recognized a great need for special materials that would help their struggling learners develop and improve basic skills. They believed that teachers know best when it comes to creating learning material, so they assembled a team of other experienced teachers and began developing unique learning products suitable for students in both special ed. classes and regular ed. classes.
Help your students develop important survival skills while improving their reading, writing, spelling, and vocabulary!
This practical unit is filled with easy-to-use activities that focus on essential vocabulary and real-life situations to help students become more confident and independent. Key words are introduced, then reinforced through step-by-step exercises emphasizing word pronunciation, definitions, spelling, handwriting, problem solving, and more! A terrific way to help your students acquire vital life skills!
Words Include: deposit, withdraw, overdraft, balance, minimum balance, overdrawn, stock, percentage, and many more.
Interest Level 7-12 | Reading Level 4-5
Contents Include:
- 7 Lessons
- Activities cover: savings & checking accounts, budgets, credit, interest, discounts, and more
- Answer key
- And more!
Skills Covered Include:
- Apply math to real-life situations
- Apply information
- Choose the correct word
- Expand vocabulary
- Understand meaning of words and ideas
- Use context clues
- Use dictionary and glossary skills
- Develop consumer skills
- Find relevant facts
- Understand and use reference sources
- Understand consumer information
- Fill out forms correctly
Help your students develop important survival skills while improving their reading, writing, spelling and vocabulary!
This practical book is filled with easy-to-use activities that focus on essential vocabulary and real-life situations to help students become more confident and independent. Key words are introduced, then reinforced through step-by-step exercises emphasizing word pronunciation, definitions, spelling, handwriting, problem solving, and more! A terrific way to help your students acquire vital life skills!
Words Include: resume, employer, social security, qualified, salary, interview, overtime, supervisor, and many more.
Interest Level 7-12 | Reading Level 4-5
Contents Include:
- 7 Lessons
- Activities that cover abbreviations, personal data, job applications, paychecks, safety, and much more
- Answer key
Skills Covered Include:
- Apply information
- Choose the correct word
- Expand vocabulary
- Understand meaning of words and ideas
- Use context clues
- Develop life/survival skills
- Write an original sentence
- Understand consumer information
- Spell correctly
- Apply math to real-life situations
The future looks brighter for students who use these activities to develop valuable life and survival skills! 160 essential survival signs and symbols vocabulary words are introduced in context and then reinforced in motivating exercises that emphasize word pronunciations and definitions. Interesting stories and real life activities improve problem solving and writing skills.
As students work their way through the exercises, they will gain knowledge that will allow them to become more confident and independent in the real world.
Reading Level 3-4 | Interest Level 4-12
Contents Include:
- Safety Words
- Mobility Words
- Restriction Words
- Information Words
- Review
- Answer Key
Paying attention! The 30 lessons in this learning unit will teach students to listen, remember what they have been told, and execute the oral directions given. To begin, students listen as an explanation of each exercise is given. “Your worksheet is filled with empty boxes that you will begin to fill.”Next children are given specific instructions. “In the middle box on the bottom row, put an 8.” “In the middle box on the top row put an M.”While having fun with these imaginative activities, students will boost their listening, comprehension, and motor skills.
A strong sense of character and positive self-esteem are key ingredients to a student's success in school and in life. Writing About Me gives your students a real chance to develop and reinforce 38 all-important attributes, while simultaneously improving their writing skills. Each page presents a specific attribute, such as "honesty" or "responsibility," to stimulate group discussion. To help students further understand these characteristics and how they apply to their daily lives, a series of fun and relevant writing activities are included to help students focus on their individual and collective attributes. So let Remedia Publications help your students have fun learning the very important concepts of character, self-esteem, and writing with this easy-to-use, "accentuate-the-positive" book.
Exercising thinking skills! “What would you do if…?” Posed with numerous real-life dilemmas, students are encouraged to use forethought and complete sentences to reach and express their own decisions. Four quandary situations are presented in each of the 25 lessons in this learning unit. Three involve what may be considered “real life” problems. The fourth activity is of a humorous nature. Reading Level 3-4
Improve attention span! The 23 visual activities in this popular unit are designed to increase students’ concentration and attention to details. One exercise, for example, includes two versions of a picture – each depicting two boys fishing on a riverbank. Students are challenged to find 10 differences between the drawings. The game-like exercises found here range from hidden objects and memory graphics to word pyramids and categorizations. Children are sure to have loads of fun while stimulating their thinking skills.
This unit is packed with 30 low readability stories about fun and unique careers. The included comprehension exercises are designed to teach students to better understand what they read, to follow directions, and to increase their critical thinking.
A variety of jobs are covered in the informative articles that start-off each exercise. The eight comprehension questions that follow each reading exercise work to boost comprehension skills.
Reading Level 2 | Interest Level 4-12
30 Jobs Include:
- Race Car Driver
- Coach
- Farmer
- Scientist
- Dog Groomer
- Banker
- Clown
- Teacher
- and more!
Snip. Snip! Color, cut, and paste to improve eye-hand coordination. Students will get loads of practice honing their fine motor skills with the 24 creative cutting activities in this book.
Whether using a scissors to divide a picture into pieces before pasting it back together or snipping out images of fish to be pasted into a fishbowl, children are sure to have fun while learning.
This 20-lesson unit is designed to help teachers evaluate students’ ability to understand and appropriately respond to verbal information. The exercises may also be used to assist in the development of listening and following direction skills. “How would you feel if a bull was chasing you?” “Is a potato a fruit?” “Wink your eye!”For those students who find verbal response difficult, or to add an element of fun, picture response cards have been included.
Developing observation! Packed into this unit are 22 creatively illustrated lessons. Each boasts a drawing of a real-life situation complete with familiar objects. From “a visit to the ice cream parlor” to “a busy street corner,” students are given time to absorb the visual information from each picture. After putting the image aside, 12 questions are asked about what was depicted and students are asked to draw something they remember. Plenty of observation practice will be had by all as thinking and comprehension skills are given a workout.
Help your students develop important survival skills while improving their reading, writing, spelling and vocabulary!
This practical book is filled with easy-to-use activities that focus on essential vocabulary and real-life situations to help students become more confident and independent. Key words are introduced, then reinforced through step-by-step exercises emphasizing word pronunciation, definitions, spelling, handwriting, problem solving, and more! A terrific way to help your students acquire vital life skills!
Words Include: driver's manual, detour, pedestrian, tenant, vacancy, lease agreement, merchandise, reimburse, and many more.
Interest Level 7-12 | Reading Level 4-5
Contents Include:
- 7 Lessons
- Activities that cover learning to drive, filing an accident report, coupons, newspaper, insurance, and more
- Answer key
- And more!
Skills Covered Include:
- Apply information
- Choose the correct word
- Expand vocabulary
- Understand meaning of words and ideas
- Use context clues
- Use dictionary and glossary skills
- Develop consumer skills
- Find relevant facts
- Understand and use reference sources
- Understand consumer information
- Analyze information
- Fill out forms correctly
Help your students develop important survival skills while improving their reading, writing, spelling and vocabulary!
This practical book is filled with easy-to-use activities that focus on essential vocabulary and real-life situations to help students become more confident and independent. Key words are introduced, then reinforced through step-by-step exercises emphasizing word pronunciation, definitions, spelling, handwriting, problem solving, and more! A terrific way to help your students acquire vital life skills!
Words Include: fitness, leisure, nutrition, acne, hygiene, deodorant, shampoo, poisonous, aspirin, and many more.
Interest Level 7-12 | Reading Level 4-5
Contents Include:
- 9 Lessons
- Activities that cover dental health, hygiene, healthy eating, grooming, first aid, and much more
- Answer key
Skills Covered Include:
- Apply information
- Choose the correct word
- Expand vocabulary
- Understand meaning of words and ideas
- Use context clues
- Use dictionary and glossary skills
- Develop life/survival skills
- Find relevant facts
- Analyze information
- Write an original sentence
- Classify information
- Make decisions/choices
- Develop consumer skills
- Understand consumer information
- Evaluate information
Best Buys is the perfect way to build students' math skills while helping them gain a true appreciation for math in everyday living. Students are introduced to real-life scenarios where they must judge a purchase to determine if it is the best possible choice. Students learn to comparison shop, check prices, use coupons, buy in quantities and more! A real, practical application of math!
The future looks brighter for students who use these activities to develop valuable life and survival skills! 216 grocery store and supermarket vocabulary words are introduced in context and then reinforced in motivating exercises that emphasize word pronunciations and definitions. Interesting stories and real life activities improve problem solving and writing skills.
As students work their way through the exercises, they will gain knowledge that will allow them to become more confident and independent when shopping at the supermarket.
Reading Level 3-4 | Interest Level 4-12
Skills Covered Include:
- Apply information
- Choose the correct word
- Expand vocabulary
- Understand meaning of words and ideas
- Use context clues
- Develop life/survival skills
- Understand consumer information
- Apply math to real-life situations
- Use dictionary and glossary skills
- Analyze information
- Classify information
- Make decisions/choices
- Develop consumer skills
- Determine alphabetical order
- Use logic to solve problems
This 48-page unit includes an answer key.
Develop important survival skills with these easy-to-use activities sure to improve vocabulary, spelling, and writing ability. Key words are introduced in context and then repeatedly reinforced in motivating exercises that emphasize word pronunciations, definitions, spelling, problem solving, and more! These practical and solidly conceived books will help students acquire vital life skills.
Reading Level 3-4 | Interest Level 4-12
Skills Covered Include:
- Apply information
- Choose the correct word
- Expand vocabulary
- Understand meaning of words and ideas
- Use context clues
- Develop life/survival skills
- Understand consumer information
- Apply math to real-life situations
- Use dictionary and glossary skills
- Analyze information
- Classify information
- Make decisions/choices
- Develop consumer skills
- Determine alphabetical order
- Use logic to solve problems
The bundle includes five titles (240 pages) and includes an answer key for each unit.
Spice up your basic math program with Market Math!
This fun and effective book teaches the basics of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division through the use of real-life shopping situations. From peanut butter to paper towels, nearly everything you might shop for in a grocery store can be found on the colorful fold-out price list that generates over 500 math word problems! Students will have a great time as they refer to the colorful price list to figure costs, total sales tickets, apply coupons, and more. So help your students understand the practical reasons for learning math as they "shop" their way to math success!
Reinforce your basic math program with Menu Math for Beginners! This fun and effective book teaches simple addition, subtraction, and multiplication through the use of real-life restaurant situations. Students will have a great time as they refer to the colorful menu (included) to figure costs when spending money on everything from pizza to pancakes! The easy-to-read menu generates hundreds of simple rebus and word problems. Students are sure to improve their math skills as they gain an understanding of the practical reasons for learning math. Enjoy!
Spice up your basic math program with Market Math for Beginners!
This fun and effective book teaches simple addition, subtraction, and multiplication through the use of real-life shopping situations. Students will have a great time as they refer to the colorful price list (included) that generates hundreds of simple rebus and word problems. From soup to soap, students figure their costs and total sales tickets as they "shop" their way to math success! So help your students understand the practical reasons for learning math while improving their math skills with this motivating and solidly-conceived book. Enjoy!
Developing observation! Packed into this unit are 22 creatively illustrated lessons. Each boasts a drawing of a real-life situation, complete with familiar objects. From “a family’s TV room” to “folks sitting around a campfire,” students are given time to absorb the visual information from each picture. After putting the image aside, 12 questions are asked about what was depicted and students are asked to draw something they remember. Plenty of observation practice will be had by all as thinking and comprehension skills are given a workout.